Detail programu

Horizon Europe - Opportunities which you shouldn't fail to seize

Fakulta/součást, která program vypisuje:
Druh programu CŽV:
Programy dalšího vzdělávání pracovníků UP
Název skupiny programů, ve které je kurz realizován:
Further education of UP stuff - support for flexible forms of education and teaching competences
Vzdělávací cíle skupiny programů:
Professional development of UP staff - support for flexible forms of education and teaching competences of UP staff
Název programu/kurzu:
Horizon Europe - Opportunities which you shouldn't fail to seize
Zaměření programu/kurzu:
on the profession (occupational)
Jazyk programu/kurzu
Anotace programu/kurzu
Lecture will introduce you to the basic principles of Horizon Europe programme: 1) Objectives and structure = Pillars + Strategies you need to know; 2) Concepts of Actions (CSA, RIA, IA) and TRL; 3) Desired researcher's career path and which grants could help you; 4) Guidance on networking and recognizing the high quality consortium. You will learn how to navigate through the Work Programmes and search on Funding and Tenders Portal for opened calls and previously successful projects. By the end of the session, you should be able to identify suitable calls for your research and therefore handle the project proposals adequately.
Vzdělávací cíle programu/kurzu
To introduce participants to the basic principles of Horizon Europa programme.
Požadované předpoklady
The LLL programme is designed for the staff of Palacký University in Olomouc
Profil absolventa
The LLL programme is designed for the staff of Palacký University in Olomouc
Garant programu/kurzu
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