Detail programu

Professional Learning Community (PLC)

Fakulta/součást, která program vypisuje:
Druh programu CŽV:
Tematické vzdělávání ve formě semináře, odborného soustředění, přednáškového cyklu, přednášky
Název skupiny programů, ve které je kurz realizován:
Tematické programy CŽV
Vzdělávací cíle skupiny programů:
Název programu/kurzu:
Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Zaměření programu/kurzu:
Jazyk programu/kurzu
Anotace programu/kurzu
PLCs is a format of professional development. PLCs are organised as learning teams which constantly engage in cycles of learning and sharing from each other. UMN-UP Professional Learning Community includes academics and staff UPOL and University of Minnesota who aim to improve their teaching and develop joint curricular projects, such as co-teaching among the two institutions. Session 1: Introduction and community building o Session framing: Bringing people together and PLC framing Session 2&3: "Implementer of novel pedagogies" o Session framing: By borrowing ideas from each other we will invite to share everyone to share individually teaching tips, teaching experience on novel pedagogies (special learning needs, service learning Sessions 4&5: "International Curriculum Designer" o Session framing: We use each other in the community >utilize community of peers for collaboration on the design of "off-shoots" joint curricular projects. (co-taught courses, faculty led programs, on-line co-teaching?) Session 6&7: "Facilitator of Global Classroom" and "Changemaker of our Institutions" (or departments) o Session framing: How do we use all the learnings in the classrooms to have impact on students and learning outcomes of students. Session 8: Reflection and "Changemaker" closure o Session framing: How to be a change-maker in own disciplines/institution
Vzdělávací cíle programu/kurzu
PLCs is not a training per se, but a novel professional development format to support purposeful, self-guided, institutionally-relevant professional development enabling academics and staff to create bottom-up change within their institutions/between institutions Professional development for teachers/PhD students leading to advancements in their teaching competences, intercultural and interpersonal skills while co-creating international learning and teaching community of academics between the two institutions.
Požadované předpoklady
Profil absolventa
Garant programu/kurzu
Janebová Eva, Mgr. Ph.D.
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